Are You in Pain?
Break away from the grip of pain. Make an appointment with us today and get your life back.
SoftWave Therapy can be tailored to many types of conditions as it promotes healing and reduces pain immediately after the first visit.
Imagine the possibility of effectively relieving your chronic pain and kicking your need for medications and/or surgeries.
Conditions Helped With SoftWave Therapy
Knee Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Shoulder Tendionpathies
Bone on Bone Discomfort
Back Pain
Hand Pain/Wrist Pain
Stress Fractures
New Patient Special
$49 SoftWave Initial & Treatment
For the best SoftWave Therapy in South Kansas City, contact the team at Hampton Chiropractic. Our multi-disciplinary team is more than happy to go over the many benefits of SoftWave: tissue regenerative technology.
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Experience the remarkable benefits of SoftWave Therapy in Belton, MO—an innovative, non-invasive treatment that revolutionizes tissue regenerative treatment; results are predictable, and treatment is affordable. This gentle yet powerful therapy provides swift relief from chronic pain, accelerates recovery, and brings about long-lasting results.
TRT SoftWave's scientifically validated ability to stimulate the body's natural cell synthesis is truly transformative. By promoting enhanced blood flow, SoftWave therapy facilitates angio/vasculogenesis—the creation of new blood vessels—at the treatment site. Moreover, it triggers the release of immune factors and increases ATP, empowering the body to initiate genuine healing from within.
Experience the rapid and effective reduction of inflammation with SoftWave therapy. This advanced treatment method brings about a host of benefits, including the relaxation of muscular adhesions and stiffness. Chronic pain is instantly and enduringly relieved, while range of motion is typically improved. Moreover, the SoftWave device serves as a valuable diagnostic tool, accurately identifying the underlying cause of pain. With this feedback mechanism, we can precisely target and treat the specific area of concern, providing effective and personalized care.
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$49 SoftWave Initial & Treatment
Get the Results You Deserve with Softwave: Tissue Regenerative Technology
SoftWave therapy utilizes the power of electrical discharge in water to generate gentle waves. By discharging voltage between the opposing tips of an electrode, a plasma bubble is created, equalizing the voltage and generating pressure greater than 10 MPa in just a few nanoseconds. This bubble then disperses in all directions, compressing the surrounding water.
Our proprietary SoftWave technology applies low-intensity, unfocused energy using a specialized parabolic reflector applicator. This energy travels rapidly in water (3355 mph) without causing microtrauma, unlike in air (767 mph). The unique design of our unfocused applicator allows for the broad application of energy to both superficial and deep tissues. This stimulates a biological response in the targeted area, initiating the body's natural healing process.
Is SoftWave Therapy the Same as Shockwave Therapy?
While there are similarities, SoftWave therapy and shockwave therapy are not identical. Shockwaves are generated by violent pressure fluctuations caused by supersonic aircraft, explosions, or natural events like earthquakes. Shockwaves have a rapid and severe change in stress, density, and temperature, distinguishing them from sound waves. When the amplitude increases, shockwaves surpass the speed of sound.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), commonly known as shockwave therapy, is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes powerful shockwaves to accelerate biological regeneration at the cellular level. It involves delivering high-intensity bursts of mechanical energy to inflamed or injured soft tissues.
In contrast, SoftWave therapy employs unfocused rather than focused shockwaves, making it a gentler alternative. SoftWave therapy does not cause trauma to the area and provides a larger treatment zone. It is highly effective in reducing inflammation and promoting healing.
If you believe SoftWave therapy could benefit you, don't hesitate to contact our team at Hampton Chiropractic today!
Improve your overall health and regain your vitality for life.
Reduced Medications
Improve blood flow throughout your body for pain relief.
Active Lifestyle
Stop wasting time in pain and get your active life back!